Friday, June 13, 2008

Slow Stick - Building Tips

The first tip in building the slow stick, is to purchase a 3' (approx) piece of balsa that will fit down the center of the fuselage channel. This will provide extra strength to the aluminum fuselage.

Some kits indicate that they ship with a fiberglass fuselage channel. None of the kits that I have been exposed to have had this type. If yours does, I would imagine that it would still be a good option to add the balsa for reinforcement. This simple tip has prolonged the life of many fuselages during those early training flights.

The second tip is to wrap each leading edge (wing and tail) with a light packing tape. It may add a bit more weight, but the foam surfaces will be greatly reinforced by doing this. Once again, creating a more durable trainer.

The third is to replace the stock main wheels with some that are larger. I believe I was able to find some that were 3 1/2 or 4". This is not a vital step, but makes it easier to take off from grass runways. Once I have a picture, I will include it for reference.

Happy building

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